June 11, 2009


Star Trek is an American science fiction show, science fiction entertainment series, and media franchise. The Star Trek fictional multiverse created by Gene Roddenberry is the setting of six television series including the original 1966 Star Trek, and eleven feature films. The franchise also extends to dozens of computer and video games, hundreds of novels and instances of fan fiction, several fan-created video productions, as well as a themed attraction in Las Vegas. Beginning with the original TV series and continuing with the subsequent films and series, the franchise has created a cult phenomenon and has spawned many pop culture references. star trek,star trek ships,star trek enterprise,star trek characters,star trek wallpaper,star trek movie,star trek sounds,star trek voyager,star trek wav sound files,star trek ship schematics,star trek starships,star trek computer sound,star trek sound effects,star trek themes for windows xp,star trek cast,blueprints of star trek ships,star trek ship designs,star trek sound clips,new star trek movie,star trek women,star trek wallpapers,star trek free gallery,star trek photos,star trek movies,star trek